We denounce US covert intervention and psyops in relation to the use of COVID 19 vaccines from China during the pandemic. Recently, Reuters exposed a special covert ops run by the Pentagon wherein the US seeded misinformation on Sinovac vaccines in a bid to counter the influence of China over the Philippines and other countries during the pandemic. Fake social media accounts were used in the operation. The exposé comes amid increased tension between the US and China in this part of Asia.
The covert ops done by the US was meant to undermine a certain brand of COVID 19 vaccine and is clearly unethical and outrageous as it came during a global health crisis. The psyops intervention is totally unacceptable as it sought to influence domestic policy on vaccines during a health crisis. The US cannot weaponize a health crisis and use it for propaganda purposes, just so it can gain advantage over China. We Filipinos are not mere pawns in their geopolitical maneuvers.
It is clear that despite all its recent claims of countering disinformation, the US is the main purveyor of disinformation, doing the same even during a health crisis where lives were at risk and people required truthful information on vaccines. The US does not care for human life and only cares about how it can gain the upper hand over its rivals. It is quite disgusting to learn of the Reuters report, as lives may have been lost due to the US disinformation drive.
If the US can do this during the pandemic, there’s no telling what other disinformation psyops it has engaged in to shape public opinion favorable to the US. Clearly, the US cannot be trusted because it is only advancing its own imperialist agenda and it doesn’t care whether Filipino lives will be put at risk. In other words, the US doesn’t care if the Philippines becomes another Ukraine, so long as the US gets its war with China. That is the bottom line.
The Philippine government must investigate this intervention and hold the US accountable. The US should be exposed as a lying war-monger engaged in global deception and disinformation in order to advance its imperialist interests.###