On July 8, 2024, the Philippines and Japan are set to sign the Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA), a move that Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN), AWC-Japan (Asia-Wide Campaign against the U.S.-Japanese domination and aggression of Asia), GABRIELA | A National Alliance of Women, Lila Pilipina, Migrante Japan ミグランテージャパン, and allied organizations worldwide strongly condemn as a dangerous step towards increased militarization and conflicts in the Asia Pacific region.

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This agreement, far from promoting peace and stability, represents a troubling resurgence of Japan’s hegemonic ambitions in the region, under the baton of U.S. imperialism. It is deeply concerning that Japan seeks to expand its military presence without fully addressing and providing justice for its wartime atrocities, particularly the horrific system of comfort women that devastated countless lives across Asia.

The RAA signing demonstrates a blatant disregard for the painful history and unresolved injustices of the past. It is a slap in the face to all survivors of Japanese wartime aggression, especially the comfort women who continue to seek recognition and reparations. This agreement dishonors their struggle and perpetuates the cycle of historical amnesia and impunity.

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We denounce both the Philippine and Japanese governments for pursuing this anti-people and anti-peace scheme. This military pact serves only the interests of imperialist powers, while putting the lives and welfare of ordinary citizens at risk. It diverts crucial resources away from pressing social needs such as healthcare, education, and poverty alleviation, channeling them instead into wasteful and dangerous military buildups.

This agreement furthers the so-called “US pivot to Asia” where Japan and the Philippines serve as the US’ “partners” in its efforts to contain China. The constant warmongering by the US escalates tensions in the region and increases the dangers of an open military conflict erupting in the region. The Filipino and Japanese people, along with all peoples of the Asia-Pacific, deserve genuine peace and freedom, and not be used as pawns in imperialist power plays.

We call on all peace-loving peoples around the world to stand in solidarity against this Philippine-Japan military pact. We demand:

1. The immediate cancellation of the Philippines-Japan Reciprocal Access Agreement

2. Abrogation of the US Visiting Forces Agreement, Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement and all other agreements that heighten tensions in the
region and tramples upon Philippine national sovereignty

3. Genuine justice and reparations for all victims of Japanese wartime atrocities

4. The rechanneling of military spending towards social services and people’s needs

5. That the Japanese government step back from the path of war and adhere to its constitutional provisions for peace

6. That the Philippine government adopt an independent foreign policy that should guide all its dealings with both China and the US-led coalition that includes Japan.

Let us unite in the struggle against wars of intervention and aggression; for a just and lasting peace, one that respects historical truth, upholds people’s rights, and rejects imperialist domination in all its forms.

Categories: Statements


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