Marcos worsens crisis with Chacha push in 2025

It is now crystal clear that the current Charter change moves emanate from Malacañang with Mr. Marcos’ endorsement of a 2025 plebiscite to change the Constitution.

The Marcos cha-cha aims to sell out the Philippine economy to foreign interests by allowing 100% foreign ownership in public utilities. schools and advertising. It aims to tighten foreign control over the Philippines, making us a perpetual neocolony and tying us to the geopolitical maneuverings of the US and China. Foreign interests want to squeeze every last drop of profit from our underdeveloped economy. There is no intention to uplift the economic situation of the poor, only profit gains for the few foreign monopolies and their local comprador partners.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says "MARCOS WORSENS CRISIS WITH CHACHA PUSH IN 2025 THE PHIL ROB The current Charter change moves emanate from Malacanang with Mr. Marcos' endorsement of a 2025 plebiscite to change the Constitution. BAYAN @BAYANPhilippines"

The Marcos Chacha aims to introduce an illegal mode of changing the constitution by allowing amendments through simple lawmaking. The insertion “unless otherwise provided by law” in certain economic provisions allows Congress the tremendous power of Constitutional change by simply passing a law. This is a dangerous precedent that can be used to change other provisions of the Constitution.

The push for Chacha will not stop with economic provisions. The self-serving motives for Chacha remain. Term extension is not far behind. Also, a constitutional crisis looms if the Lower House would insist on going it alone without the Senate or if the sham people’s initiative is pursued.

The people must oppose the latest Marcos Chacha drive and push Marcos to abandon this madness of selling out the Philippines to foreign interests. The Philippines is not for sale. Our future is not for sale. #


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