We welcome the decision of the International Criminal Court Pre-Trial Chamber to continue the investigation into the crimes against humanity that occurred in the Philippines under the term of Rodrigo Duterte. The ICC correctly observed that “the various domestic initiatives and proceedings, assessed collectively, do not amount to tangible, concrete and progressive investigative steps in a way that would sufficiently mirror the Court’s investigation.”
This observation is consistent with the views echoed during the United Nations Universal Periodic Review where UN member-states pressed the Philippines for accountability of police personnel involved in the drug war killings.
Domestic remedies and modes of accountability are sorely lacking when it comes to the crimes being investigated by the ICC. Mr. Marcos should not block the ICC probe and should show full cooperation so that justice can be rendered to the thousands of victims of Duterte’s failed drug war. That there is an admission today that many top police officials are actually involved in the illegal drug trade makes the drug war a sham. Street-level pushers were executed while police officials recycled and re-sold the illegal drugs.
It is time for the Philippines to cooperate with the ICC and stop its stonewalling tactics. Mr. Marcos cannot wash of this bloody stain on the Philippines rights record no matter how frequent his foreign trips may be. Only true justice can put a decisive close to this horrific chapter in our history.