Statement of BAYAN Chair Emeritus Carol Araullo on the Supreme Court’s ruling on red tagging

As a target and victim of malicious and unrelenting redtagging by former NTF-ELCAC spokespersons or those empowered by said malevolent creation by the Duterte administration and retained by the Marcos Jr. I welcome the SC clear, unequivocal legal and morally binding ruling on redtagging. Finally there is no hiding behind the deceptive defense that no law exists defining and proscribing the evil practice as a means by notorious red taggers using official and other platforms to evade responsibility for their acts. It should also provide a warning to their unthinking followers, especially on social media, who parrot their line and contribute to what amounts to the public lynching of their targets.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says "ON SUPREME COURT RULING ON RED TAGGING " welcome the Sc clear, unequivocal legal and morally binding ruling on redtagging. Finally there is no hiding behind the deceptive defense that no law exists defining and proscribing the evil practice as means by notorious red taggers using official and other platforms to evade responsibility for their acts. It should also provide a warning to their unthinking followers, especially on social media, who parrot their line and contribute to what amounts to the public lynching of their targets. Carol CarolP.Araullo P. Araullo BAYAN Chair Emeritus"

I call on as many of those who have been maligned as “communist-terrorists” and have suffered its negative effects on their safety, health, well being and ability to continue unhampered in their work as social activists and human rights defenders, to file the appropriate charges against the most notorious redtaggers as a form of legal push back. I also demand accountability from the top officials of the NTF-ELCAC. This ruling should lead to the abolition of this abomination.

Categories: Statements


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